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Amy Lange Zubak

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Posts posted by Amy Lange Zubak

  1. 13 hours ago, Kevin Lee said:

    Gorgeous work by Spirit! CONGRATS AMY!

    My next HOYT (zoom) group seance we setup is NOV 7th... so super excited for another Postcard from Heaven!

    *Some Fun Facts - those strange lines on the front of the card (the "spirit card writing" side) [the back side is the image or the Bonus Side], they are the sloppy accidental edges of ectoplasm as it "lays down" rematerializing pigments which are fused often INTO the card canvas through the process. (*This is according to the words of Spirit to a seance I attended years ago). Yes there are more than one layer of pigment so you have a waxy overcoating which can be removed with effort of scraping, if one wanted to ruin it....

    Thank you so much for the explanations Kevin - appreciate it! That is fascinating about the lines and something I was curious about......I still can't totally wrap my head around it but super interesting 💕

  2. Everything I know about precipitation art I have learned from Kevin! He is a great resource. And it would be wonderful if more people knew about it and could try developing this form of mediumship, as it is so rare.

    I've personally seen a Bang Sisters portrait before 😍. It's the Spiritualist version of seeing the Mona Lisa. (Fun fact I learned from Kevin, an authentic Bang Sisters portrait will never have eyelashes.)

  3. 2 hours ago, Michael Lee said:

    A random person on the internet suggested using a magnifying glass on the black and white image. It would be interesting to see  if it was organic/random black ink speckles or a matrix of dots, indicatIve of a print process. 🧐

    The actual card is being mailed to me, so I will examine it best I can and see what I find!

  4. This weekend I participated in my first precipitation spirit art circle with Rev. Hoyt Robinette over Zoom. I have to say, it was quite the experience! If you are not familiar, here is a quick rundown: Hoyt begins by showing us the clearly empty basket he will be using. He thoroughly goes over all of the pens, markers, highlighters, etc. that will be used. He opens a new pack of notecards and shows that indeed - they are new with no markings. He places the notecards and aforementioned writing instruments into the basket. Covers the basket with a lid and places it on the fireplace mantel behind him, still clearly visible to all. Hoyt then proceeds to give billet readings from cards we had filled out earlier (20 in our group). During the reading there is also a message from the guide who will be visible on our card. After the messages are delivered, he removes the blindfold, untapes his eyes, and then empties the contents of the basket, pulling out each of the cards with an image. Our names appear on the back of the card, along with some loved ones, guides, and often times a flower. I am quite blown away by it all, and after seeing it firsthand myself and comparing notes with others who attended, all I can say is that I have no reason to believe it was anything other than spirit phenomenon. 

    (PS - Purple Rose was written on mine.....anyone know the significance of that?)

    2020 10Oct Hoyb sm.jpg

    2020 10Oct Hoyc sm.jpg

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