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 I accidentally discovered another mode. At some point the neon lamp generated a steady sequence of impulses like a square wave. By listening to this signal through the Lingua I heard faint voices.


The VISPRE seems to provide endless modifications of operating modes. Then I used it with the two springs and the springs  stretched up to the point where the relay oscillations were short before tapering off. The signals are distorted but noise free.




Wer ist bitte der nächste Pole.wav

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And here is the rest from today. Incredible results gained from an almost squelched relay and the Lingua. The lingua adjustment is very delicate and depends heavily on the audio level. A slightly decreased level and the lingua wipes out the signal, a little too much and the relay impulses come through as heavy pounding. If the signsl is in-between the results are amazing! The signal level sensitivity reminds me of Keith's experiments with Krisp.

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  • 2 weeks later...

New horizons are opening up. As a spin-off from the latest research Jeff and I did with the Spica circuit, I was able now to configure it to emitt impulses mimicking the rhythm of human speech.

Thus, basically it now does the same as the neon lamp in the current VISPRE design. If this really should work, the VISPRE electronic could become much simpler without the high voltage generator.

In this video you can hear and see (flickering LED) the speech impulses. Of course what you hear is NOT speech but if fed into the relay it could be the perfect sound food for the spirits.

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