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ITC session protocol template

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InI thought about making a document template for ITC session protocols where you can enter when, where and what you where doing in an ITC session. I think there are some templates around in the community but I would like to take advantage from the fact that lots of skillful people are in this forum who could participate with their knowledge. I own a program named "PDF Maker". You can design pdf documents with it that can be filled out electronically and then saved as a fix(non editable) pdf. Or you just print it out and fill it out by hand. I would like to discuss what data is useful to be documented and what not. I think a minimum set of data should be:

  • Name of experimenter
  • Date and time of session
  • Type(Image/Video/Audio)
  • Referenced files (image/video/audio)
  • Environmental conditions?
  • Interpretation of received content
  • Peer reviewed?

Any more ideas?

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Given the fact that different tools or methods seem to work for different researchers, this type of generalization may prove difficult.  I can only think of scientific controls to put into place such as using a Faraday cage or shielding during audio recording... or perhaps having a medium conduct a session once as they usually would, then maybe placing them standing on a grounding mat to see if any correlation can be drawn.

What environmental factors even play a role in certain phenomena?  I once conducted a blind study on environmental conditions recorded when someone reported a personal experience of feeling physical interaction with something unseen.  The only correlation found was that ionization rates showed positive polarity in excess of 2000ppm at the moment someone reported a physical event in 59% of reports.  This SUGGESTS, although does not prove, that those in spirit may exist in a state that is opposite of humans.  To mean that we may reverse polarity when we take on a spiritual form.

I would be fascinated to see some of these templates.  It's always so interesting to see what works for some researchers.

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You exactly pointed out the problem,  Dan. I talked to different people to get suggestions for the template structure and everyone has different ideas or no ideas at all. This is the reason why this project is idling in the background actually. Maybe the right question to ask would be what a listener panel would require as accompanying information to evaluate ITC sessions of other persons. However even the meaningfullness of a listener panel is questioned from many side.

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Any ritual prior to experiment. For instance one may meditate prior to an experiment, one may be prayerful, one may do nothing special.

When it comes to environment this comes up frequently in sessions with spirit that the environment around the earth creates issues for spirit.  I have now heard this from a number of sources.  In general the fear emotions, the aggressiveness and the physical and prolific "energy" from our media all play a part.

I tend to think of this as I recall a ham radio operator telling me when I was a little girl that the early hours of the morning were best for communication for him to receive.

Later on I studied Steiner more particularly the interest was in biodynamic farming which of course is very tied to the waxing/waning moon and the ether of these times indicate the action the "farmer" needs to take.

I would not have thought that environment was important but in my own experiments I have found it to be so.   My environment (my state of health physical/mental) also plays a role.    Whether this is necessary to have as a component greater minds than mine would I should think have more developed thinking.



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