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A Panel of Three Mediums - Learning more about after-death communication

Community Events

The Rhine: Research, Education, and Community

Wednesday, November 17th at 3pm Eastern US

The Rhine presents Laura Lynne Jackson, Janet Mayer, & Joanne Gerber

A Panel of Three Mediums
A special opportunity to learn about after-death communication

With Laura Lynne Jackson, Janet Mayer, & Joanne Gerber

DATE: Wednesday, November 17th @ 3pm Eastern US

Donations encouraged to support continuing online events from the Rhine.

A very special afternoon with some very special people!  


https://ci6.googleusercontent.com/proxy/dHNLiiJlNaMRjFFVdBI4UBRveAzvbVkAuJLWtUX_L8SVtjSKc7FQiOfkZh89ub8g0gk_jUuU8h5lXRjF1FoeXOR_f-zLci88rw=s0-d-e1-ft#https://ymlps9.com/imgz/rhineonline_BrightLight--3.jpgA Panel of Three Mediums
Learning more about after-death communication


What is it like to receive information from the departed? How is this communication received, and how is it validated?


Join our panel of mediums who will discuss from their perspective, the myriad ways they receive their psychic and mediumship information.


Biographical Information

https://ci3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/j0nizlyjYrmeQpZXJj9ffm7ksBLFqWTgRTw_gBT-hiB1o9tupc_Pm7W3ccJIZSXLGMHn_DmSN1F_o6sOgx7z0y58-6zaMu1yVvhhJ-DQMA=s0-d-e1-ft#https://ymlps9.com/imgz/rhineonline_LauraLynneJackson--2.jpgLaura Lynne Jackson, an international speaker, teacher, and practicing psychic medium, is the author of the New York Times bestsellers Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe and The Light Between Us, which have been translated into more than 20 languages and are available in over 35 countries.


She was a full-time high school English teacher for nearly 20 years before fully embracing her path and dedicating herself to honoring our connections to each other, our earthly existence, and to the other side. She is dedicated to working with scientists in order to explore and understand the survival of consciousness outside of bodily death, as well as teaching people how to open to their own psychic and intuitive abilities in order to fully step into and embrace their divine energy and live their best lives.


Laura Lynne currently works as a research medium with the Windbridge Institute and serves on the board of the Rhine Research Center, and the Forever Family Foundation, a nonprofit, science-based organization dedicated to helping people in grief, where she also volunteers her time and services.


Jackson has been featured on the Netflix series Surviving Death, The Today Show, Dr. Oz, Fox and Friends, Good Day New York, Telemundo, the Tokyo-based Fuji Television Network, The Huffington Post, Goop.com, Oprah.com, and various news and media throughout the United States and abroad. Jackson lives in New York with her husband, and their three children.


https://ci4.googleusercontent.com/proxy/hwbPqtNkRcln0LYN6Gsz2E5jkDf2QOmr_YzAao4RdUceaBkCzERTRKyW19WRNxGFSM4WorblaeyoNLT1vsjWhNYWmSPJdcZlkETNTg=s0-d-e1-ft#https://ymlps9.com/imgz/rhineonline_JanetMayer2021--1.jpgJanet Mayer is a psychic medium who resides in St. Louis, Missouri. She has a private practice and is author of Spirits…They Are Present. Her abilities have been tested through scientific procedures at the Human Energy Systems Laboratory. She is the founding research medium, serves on the Medium Advisory Board and volunteers with the Forever Family Foundation.


After attending a Holotropic Breathwork seminar, she spontaneously began speaking languages that eventually lead her to Dr. Bernardo Piexoto at the Smithsonian Institute. He successfully translated her recorded tapes determining the languages to be Yanomami, Fulnio, Tucano and Canamari. The languages continue to emerge with strength to this day. Janet has participated in EEG brainwave testing hoping to gain understanding and bring awareness into survival of consciousness. In her spare time, she enjoys conducting EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) sessions and has received numerous messages that have brought comfort to many.


You can learn more about Janet at www.JanetMayer.net or email her at JanetMayer11@aol.com


https://ci5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/5LBVQ1FUTUjawd9fnYlc5YuT-t8TQu0kjBDfMGg6-6UzyQnTUFQ6a9c0tjFJRoYUxCpZek8wVE_roVKgbjLT-0tPrRIaIjOI2oEVIdqL=s0-d-e1-ft#https://ymlps9.com/imgz/rhineonline_JoanneGerber2021--1.jpgJoanne Gerber is a gifted internationally recognized Psychic Medium from the Boston Massachusetts area who is known for her natural ability to bring through evidential messages from those in the spirit world. As a medium, Joanne demonstrates her abilities as a clairaudient, clairvoyant and clairsentient, attuning herself to this higher frequency, along with the effort of those in the spirit world to allow the spirit communication to take place.


In February 2007, after completing a nine step screening process, Joanne was welcomed as an Integrative Research Medium with the University of Arizona VERITAS research program directed by Dr. Gary Schwartz, PH.D. and Julie Beischel, PH.D. VERITAS is a scientific integrative research program dedicated to discovering the truth about the survival of consciousness and the continuity of life. Joanne was also awarded a Certificate of Mediumship Proficiency by the Forever Family Foundation, in recognition of Joanne’s completion of the Medium Certification process and acknowledging achievement of Joanne’s proficiency in her ability of Spirit Communication.  https://joannegerber.com/joanne-gerber



Wednesday, November 17, 2021

3:00 PM to 4:30 PM, Eastern US




Watch from your computer, tablet, or mobile device



Call the Rhine at: 919-309-4600

or visit www.rhine.org to get more information and register for this special event.



This is a donation based event.

Suggested donation of $4.95


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