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About this blog

In my quest for ITC I developed certain ways for post processing of recorded signals. This blog is the representation of my ongoing work on signal processing in audacity. I will explain my standard procedures and where and why I am applying them. My goal is to convey the message that audacity not only is a great audio editor but even more a tool to faciliutate and organize your work in ITC. Please feel free to discuss everything I am posting here with me.

Entries in this blog

Basic setup in Audacity for ITC

Audacity is a perfect tool for ITC. If you use it consequently like I am doing since years for ITC you don't want to miss it anymore. To get Audacity you first need to download it here. After installation you can make some basic setups I will show you now and that are optimized for ITC. I configured Audacity mainly along with its usage, thus everything I found out as best practice is empirically found.   First go to Edit->Preferences:   Another menu with lots of tabs

Andres Ramos

Andres Ramos in Audacity

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